Picture taken by Teresa Smith

Tornado at the Kennett Cinema seen between 6:30pm & 7:00pm
Steve Holsten
Kennett, MO

Tornado that ripped through the Missouri Bootheel afternoon of 04/02/06 I give special thanks to my grandson Andrew Carnell for helping get these photo's while I was alerting 911. I am a certified spotter for NSW and NOAA.
They passed right outside our back fence line out on Hwy A between Senath and Kennett with out any damage to our property or our neighbors that we could see. However, as we all know Deering, Brag and Cruthersville did not fair well as they gathered strength from our line of site to do the damage to our out lying towns. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those that lost their homes and perhaps loved one's I have to say perhaps because at this time I am unsure of any deaths at this time.
Sheena Brown and Andrew Carnell of Kennett Missouri

Photos of storm last night taken looking south over the Eaker Archeological Site, just west of Yarbro Arkansas.
Marion Haynes
Blytheville Research StationA
rkansas Archeological Survey

Hi We were on I-155 south of carutherville,Mo yesterday and took this picture.After it went through we tried to exit on U hwy and the pavement from thesholder of the exit ramp had been blown up onto the concrete part of theroad. "Pretty strong winds". This was about 7:15 PM Lynn Ratliff

This is a tornado picture from today! Address 800 Bridges right by Wynne High School!
Laquita Austin

Mr Vaughan,
Hello. My name is Kathy Morris and I am from Jonesboro, AR. Yesterday during the tornados and severe thunderstorms that happened in Randolph and surrounding counties I was visiting my parents in Pocahontas, AR. Well during the tornados, I managed to get a really good picture of a tornado, pretty closely, it was an interesting day that was for sure.I was in East Pochontas, when I took the picture with my cell phone. We think that it was possibly the tornado that went through Shannon, AR and around Hwy 90 possibly, we are not positive of course but that was our best guess. We were some of the lucky ones, my parents escaped damage and no one was hurt.
Anyhow, the whole point is, I didn't know if you guys might like to have this picture somehow and didn't know where to email it. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who were in the path of this thing, it was scary enough from where I was at.
Thank you,
Kathy L Morris

These were the clouds that rolled in above the home of David and Cecilia Ragsdale in Weiner earlier this evening. We all thought it was a beautiful sight prior to the storms.
Karen (Ragsdale) Martin

The storm that was southeast of Kennett MO. on Hwy. NN in MO.
Joy Wicker
Cardwell MO.

My daughter, MORGAN HOLLEMAN (14 years old), took this image on her way home from church this evening. The date is not correct on the photos as she has not set the date on her camera.


Pictures of tornado that touched down just south of Wynne at around 7:30pm.I live in the city limits of Wynne and the pictures were taken from my backdoor.
Thanks,Chris Martin

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