Friday, May 26, 2006

Great Day Off!

I had a GREAT day off! I did not even get called in for the isolated severe storms. I wish some of that rain had hit me. It went all around me and all I got was a few sprinkles! The temperature at one point hit 98 degrees according to our minivan. That's why we played in the sprinkler!!!!!
The clouds started bubbling up and the lightning got a little to close for comfort.... We decided to go inside!
Here is a lighting picture I took at my house as the storms got closer and the sun had set...
Here is a lightning picture from Tom Moore in Walnut Ridge... He takes lighting pictures better than I do! Great picture Tom!
How was your day? Your comments are always welcome below... if you are not a blogger, simply check anonymous.

Take care,

1 comment:

Diane@Diane's Place said...

After all the wind and lightning to our north, and getting our hopes up for rain, it didn't do squat here in Bay. :( We watched it all go around us. We were disappointed, because with the wind that's been blowing all week, it's really dry now. I may have to reverse my un-storm dance and try just a rain dance. :-)