With that said, the craziness came to an abrubt end a couple of days ago. I went from having a house of 8 to a house of 1 instantly. I'm home alone and the silence is a little freaky. Everyone, except me, went to Nashville to visit family. I had to stay and work.
With that said, I have a little more time to blog. The worst part (besides missing Jenn and the boys) has been cooking for myself. Not fun.
Anywho, I have a few more days until they come home. Hopefully, I'll make it!
Hey Ryan! Thanks for a great time yesterday! Don't forget to bring me an umbrella Monday, PLEASE!!!!! Keep up the great work at KAIT-TV! Also, it should be no problem to put a web cam here at ASP for a local weather cam!!!! I talked with them today! Thanks, Robert
Ryan.. if you are home alone... don't forget to lay out the kid's toy cars by the door so when the bad guys come in, they fall. =) OH! And the flame torch at the back door. =))
Be sure to get the house cleaned up BEFORE your bride arrives...that'll make her very, very happy...remember, a happy wife = a happy life!! :)
If your that lonely I will gladly loan you 2 of my children for a day or 2...
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