Monday, January 03, 2011

Dead Birds and Radar.... Odd.

What in the world is happening on radar in Beebe when thousands of birds fall from the sky? Does the radar show the birds? Does it show something that killed the birds? Is it just a coincidence? I'm not quite sure. Todd Yakoubian and I have bounced around a couple of ideas, but this radar data adds some mystery to the phenomenon. What is "flaring" up several times? What is the "line" that appears to be some sort of outflow? Todd just inspired me to download this data, but I hope to dig into some more data when I get back from dinner. Food comes first though!

Any ideas of your own? Comment away in the comments section...



Unknown said...

WoW, Very Weird!

Luke said...

What killed the birds? Someone was blaring My Chemical Romance at their New Years party. We're lucky no people were injured.

Anonymous said...

Doesnt Beebe have a big nuclear plant? Could there be a leak?

DK said...

What is the date and times of this radar loop?

Ryan said...

9pm to just after 2011 starts

Luke said...

More dead birds, these in Louisiana

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the 'flair ups' have been fireworks... seeing as it was New Year's Eve?

Nanny1273 said...

what the mess? there were severe storms in nw and central la that moved n ne on 12/ years eve..but now these birds found dead TODAY...3 DAYS LATER? ... are the 2 connected? could it be "sour gas" aka H2s2 from all the haynesville shale natural gas drilling in the area?

Anonymous said...

What if these are shockwaves? For example, a depth charge near a submarine can kill all the sailors on the submarine while leaving the submarine intact. A shockwave in air requires an explosion too.

Ryan said...

Easy now people.. The flare ups on radar ARE the birds! It's a common radar phenomenon to see on radar. What you see on radar is NOT the fireworks or submarine shockwaves! LOL

Anonymous said...

I think that the birds and the dead fish are related...what about the earthquakes that have been happening too..I think all these things are connected..

Mark Johnson said...

Ryan,I looked at a GRlevel2 3D image of spectrum width over Beebe @ 11:21pm. Birds are seen below 2500 feet. Large turbulence bullseye just above them between 7,000 and 12,000 feet...

Anonymous said...

Are these incidents happening along the same latitudes suggesting a nuclear leak of some kind?