Friday, June 03, 2005

Blogger Spotlight #3

Email Sent to me:
Good morning Ryan. My name is Ashlei. I live in Eclectic. The reason I take the time out of my day to read your blog is because you seem to have very interesting days. I enjoy your attitude and your since of humor. Personally, I think it's awesome. You have a good/goofy way of speaking your mind. And I love well as many others. Please keep up the good work. I hope you have a good day.
Thanks for your time.


Response: Actually my days are not that interesting! I'm just a regular dude. I work, eat, hangout with the family and do it all over again the next day! Occasionally I get flat tires too! By the way... "Goofy" is a popular word when describing me... Is that a good thing??? LOL

Email me a picture and a short paragraph to be next week's Blogger Spotlight!

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