Thursday, July 28, 2005

It's Not A Heat Wave!

I hope that I haven't said "Heat Wave" over the past week or so, because it is not really a heat wave we have been experiencing. I am fairly confident that the term hasn't been uttered by my mouth.... A heat wave was described to me in college as 3 or more days of temperatures above the average of the "average (93)" and "record" for each day. Does that make any sense?

Let me explain with the actual data....Here are the temperatures and records from the past 7 days in Montgomery. The average high is 93:
July 21- High: 94, Record: 102
July 22- High: 92, Record: 100
July 23- High: 95, Record: 103
July 24- High: 96, Record: 105
July 25- High: 95, Record: 105
July 26- High: 96, Record: 100
July 27- High: 93, Record: 101

With these numbers, we would need 3 or more days at 97-99 in a row to have a "heat wave". While it may feel like a heat wave... It's really not that out of the ordinary for us here in Alabama. Each year, during this part of the summer, we loosely throw out the term "heat wave", when it is actually just Summer in South Alabama! Maybe we should say "Heat Ripple... but not wave"....Feel free to email your thoughts to In the meantime, checkout the Discovery Mission LIVE by clicking below!


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