Friday, July 29, 2005

Six Years Ago...

Well it was six years from this weekend that my wife and I got married. If you had told me that six years later we would have lived in 3 states, had 2 children, and had a decent house I would have laughed in your face. I still drive the same pickup truck though! That will probably not change for another year or so!

When we got married we had an old couch from my grandmother (smelled like cat pee), a coffee table my mom bought at a yard sale, a used bedroom suite, a dining room table and chairs (2 broken) from my dad's bachelor days I think, an entertainment center from my sister (it stayed balanced with an old videotape behind it), and had it all squeezed into a small apartment in Bowling Green, KY. We also had a cat (which we lost last Spring) It wasn't pretty, but we were happy!

I was in my senior year at Western Kentucky University, worked for the FAA as a weather observer part-time, and weighed about 30 pounds less! I had short hair and my hairline was a little farther down my forehead.

A lot has changed over the years, but a lot has stayed the same. Jenn is still the love of my life. She still has a way to make me smile even when have a crummy day. She is still a strong Christian that prays for us. She is still as beautiful as the day I noticed her in Music Appreciation at Antioch High School. She still loves me when I'm annoying and she is still the one I want to kiss goodnight when I'm 80+ years old...

One thing she is today that she wasn't six years ago.... The best darn mother in the world!

With that said, I hope to post some pictures of the boys sometime in the next few days. My aunt wrote me an email saying she checks the blog everyday to see the boys and it has been awhile since she has seen them!... So I'll do better with that.... As always, feel free to drop me an email at

PS- She rarely reads the blog, but if by chance you are reading sweetie... I love yah!

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