Sunday, October 02, 2005

Nice Weekend...

In all fairness, I had to put the oldest on the blog this week too! My sister and brother-in-law came in town this weekend and we took them to the Bamboo forest for a little walk. I am a big fan of the bamboo forest. I don't think we have anything like it back home in Tennessee. Everyone had a great time and Shad got some energy burned off by running around!
Tomorrow is Monday. The day most of us go back to work. The day that starts 5 days of grinding away at work....ArGh!
I'll give you one thing to look forward to though. It does look like a nice little cool down at the end of the week (Thursday'ish) I'm not getting real worked up on it yet though ... The little front that moved through last Thursday wasn't as impressive as it had appeared. Pretty much it only made Friday morning nice... then back to the humidity! I WANT FALL TO GET HERE!!!!
Anywho, Have a great Sunday. I'm going to go watch some football now. It looks like our friends at WAKA are actually going to air the Titans game again! They are doing a little better than last year about airing Tennessee games. I guess they got sick of me calling the station! HA!
PS- I heard that WAKA folks are blog readers too! Send me an email WAKA'ers... tell me what's happening over there on the East side...

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