Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Dog On Board!

I was coming home from my dinner break tonight and I saw this in front of me. Can you see it? Look closely...
Here... I'll zoom in for you... There's a dog on board! That's right, a D-O-Double G-Y, D-O-Double G you see! (Did anyone get that reference?... no? ok, moving on...) That's the first time I have ever seen a dog riding like this on a motorcycle.Just for giggles and laughs, I also took a movie clip of it... I love YouTube. Have any of you ever seen something like this? I think it's pretty cool! Feel free to comment in the "Thought from You Guys" section... Here's the view from the Wood Ford StormTRACKER...

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Yeah! You know how we do

A lil' something
for the non-believers

For the underachievers

Ya'll know what time it is

Anonymous said...

Dogs Rule!

Anonymous said...

Looks like that canine friend could use a helmet, mmm hmmm. WOOF!