Monday, August 27, 2007

Lunar Eclipse Tonight

There is going to be a Lunar Eclipse tonight, but you have stay up late or get up early! Right now, it appears that the sky will be clear enough to see the eclipse. I think I will get up around 5:00 am to see it. It starts around 3:51 am and will end around sunrise...

Click here to find out more about the eclipse.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

I couldn't find anything in your link about where in the sky the moon will be during the eclipse.

I'm thinking low in the south-west sky based on where the moon has been hanging out this week.

If I'm right, I'll have to venture out of my neighborhood to get a good view.

Ryan said...

It's the moon. I'm sure you can find it!!! It should be in the Western sky though! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, cut me some slack smartypants!
It's going to be early, and I need all the specifics I can get so I won't have to think very hard.

I should have expected such a wishy-washy answer from a weatherman.;)

Ryan said...

FYI- I know Jame's Mom very well! I can talk to her that way!

Anonymous said...

Me again...

Found this cool eclipse stuff at

Click on my name.

Anonymous said...

Here's another cool link for eclipse photos submitted from around the world.

I saw it at about 4:30 this morning. It was orange :)