Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Nasty Out There

It's cold, windy, and rainy! If you get any pictures of the nasty weather, email them to me at rvaughan@kait8.com Above is a LIVE view from Tower Cam

Stay dry and warm!


Jason H said...

Not much to take a picture of. Just plain nasty. Feels like you cold see a sleet pellet fly down any time now.

Anonymous said...

I'd send you a photo of my cheeks flapping wildly while I'm trying to take wind-gust measurements with my handheld anemometer, but you'd think that it was a trick; that I had really gone skydiving & this was my proof. (How's that for hyperbolic imagry?!)

Oh, and a reminder, Mr. Weather Man - this is October not February! Use those weather-man super-powers and DO SOMETHING!!!

Ryan said...
