Thursday, February 14, 2008

FAKE Email!

Ok folks, help me squash this fake email that is being forwarded to everyone in the Midsouth! THIS IS NOT THE TORNADO THAT HIT MEMPHIS!!!

This tornado was taken over 15 years ago in Florida!

I'm not sure how these emails get started...



Jason H said...

Yes it is Ryan, I can see the Pyramid in the background. LOL

Funny stuff.:-D

I watch the Mmephis tornado live. That doesn't even look close to what really looked like.

Anonymous said...

These e mails get circulated by folks who "have more time than brains" and are bored, so they can get an adrenlin boost. OR someone who has been snookered and so awed by the stature of the tornado vision, they forward to friends,family, who do the same...
There are `few of us` in the cyber world that dont get fooled occasionally. sigh

Anonymous said...

Man, they didn't use Mike Hollingshead's stuff this time. I'm sure he'll be crushed. ;)

Mike Golch said...

Ryan,I came here from Karen's korner,I was that she has you on her blog roll and just had to check your site out.
As far as the phoney email they are created by bored and imangitive kids that have way too much time one their hans and maybe little supervision at home given the dual income households and the single parent househoulds.I may be wrong in my gesstamation.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I have that Twister on my computer and it was from Florida in 1992 or something like that! I didn't start the rumor but who ever did must have a lot of free time! That's horrible, A time of disaster and need and people pull crap like this! That's ridiculous! Somebody ought to teach them a lesson!