Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Solstice Moon

I just went outside to checkout the Solstice Moon and it was pretty cool! The smoke from all of the wheat fields buring across Region 8 made it look even better. I'm going to show this video tonight at 10:00. I'll admit, it did not look quite as big as the astronomers played it up to be... but it was still nice!

Take care,


Anonymous said...

And it is a beautiful moon!
Whether shining over you in the city or in the country or anywhere
you are, this Solstice Moon makes
your surroundings look like a picture postcard!!!

Anonymous said...

I was surprised by how un-gigantic it looked. I am pretty sure I've seen it appear larger than last night, but it still looked pretty cool anyway!

Mrs. B said...

Wow, we were wondering why the moon looked like that. Amazing to think we were seeing the same thing all the way here in Japan! Small world after all ;)