Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Carvings 2009

As you may know, the Vaughans love carving pumpkins! Here are our pumpkins this year! My wife did the Autobots one, we shared the work on Scooby, and "Hello" is my masterpiece! Anyone know who it is?

If you want to see our pumpkins from previous years, there is a dropdown on the right side of the blog to go to Octobers of 2007, 2006, and 2005...

Happy Halloween!

PS- If you can't figure out the third pumpkin, CLICK HERE.


Anonymous said...

Great Job! Do you cut all the way through?

Cloggingmymind said...

Great job, Lionel, er Ryan. Love looking at the pumpkins.

mom/meemaw said...

Isn't that just the most fun thing to do and these are three of the most creative ever and hopefully they will all age very slowly!