Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Severe Threat Today?

It's Wednesday at 10:30 AM as I type this and storms are refiring in the central part of the state. While the storms may not be widespread, they may pack a little bit of a punch. We're still lacking some of the ingredients for a widespread severe weather event, but enough of the parameters are in place that we need to keep a watchful eye. The SPC has already highlighted this area for the potential of severe wx. See that outlook by clicking here.

Looking at the mesoanalysis of the region, we can see that the air is a little more unstable in the SW part of Arkansas. The area of instability is growing northward and our air is expected to become more unstable as the afternoon comes... The big question is how unstable will we be in Region 8? We'll have to wait and see, but with the peaks of sunshine I have seen... we may be pretty unstable.

In addition to the unstable air, the winds through the atmospere are favorable for strong storms.

Stay tuned,

1 comment:

Marty Mac said...

Just heard from some friends of mine that live on the central coast of CA. They are saying the storms are VERY intense. Most intense in recent memory. The admin staff at Diablo Canyon power plant was let off early due to the storms intensity. That never happened in the 19 years I worked there that I remember.