Thursday, June 02, 2005

I Want A Tax Free Week!

As many of you know, tropical storms and hurricanes are first Tropical Depressions... Wouldn't it be nice to handle the Hurricane Season like the guy in the cartoon. That would sure make my job easier!

Did you know that Florida has NO SALES TAX on items that you need for hurricanes for the next several days? How awesome is that?!?! Why don't we have that here in Alabama? I think people would be a little more prepared for the hurricane season. Are you prepared? I wonder how many people actually wait until a hurricane is a day or so out....

I remember being in Walmart the day before Ivan hit. It was a madhouse! As you might imagine I was asked several questions while walking through the store. All the bread was gone, all the water was gone, and a "D" battery could not be found for sale within 300 miles! I was seriously wondering what people would think of Storm TEAM 12 if the storm had taken a hard right and missed us... Would people be mad that we missed the forecast or would they be relieved that we dodged a bullet? I guess we'll never know!

As always, feel free to drop me an email at

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