Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Where Are The Hurricanes...and babies?

Today is the first day the Atlantic Hurricane Season. I love how everyone handles this day (especially the media). Some news stories (not at WSFA!) make it sound like the hurricanes are caged up in middle of the ocean and are let go on June 1st! RUN EVERYONE.... IT'S JUNE 1ST!!!

Let me share a little secret with you... The likelihood of a Hurricane today is LOW. If you notice in the graph above, the peak of hurricane season is in September. Hurricane Ivan made landfall on September 16th.

Do some math for a moment folks... Ivan was about 9 months ago. What else is associated with "9 months"... That's right, pregnancy. Actually it's 40 weeks. Anywho, it looks like the power outages and the lack of the internet, televisions, and computers may have made for some population growth! Check this pregnancy blog for an awesome story!.... Click here. Do you know anyone that is expecting in the next few weeks? Email me and tell me...

In other news... the tire got fixed! Unfortunately my dad's fuel pump went out when he got to the house yesterday to visit. My bad luck is contagious!!!

One last thing... We had some weird storms pop up in Covington and Crenshaw Counties last night and they sparked off a couple of Tornado warnings. We even had some video of funnel clouds and damage. The National Weather Service has not yet confirmed a tornado, but I'm going to guess it was either a weak F0 or a Gustnado. Click here for more information about Gustnados. Update (9:10 am) I talked with the National Weather Service in Mobile this morning and they are not going to send a survey crew to the area. They were issuing the warnings because of reports from the public, but never noticed any rotation on doppler radar. We never had any signs of rotation on our radar either, but something was blowing around down there! You can check our website for video of some minor damage. The link is on the left side of the page OR you can click the logo at the top of the page.

As always, feel free to email me at Have a great day....

PS- I have added a link on the left side of the page for hurricanes.

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