Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Roast Judd & Some Email...

Well it looks like someone overslept this morning! This is Judd's chair at 4:30 am... No Judd. We all give each other a hard time about many things... so Judd's empty chair makes the blog this morning. He still was as smooth as ever when the cameras shot that image back to your TV at 5:00 am though!

Now a follow up to yesterday's blog. Apparently many people feel the same way I do about our lawmakers. Eileen Jones was too busy yesterday to give us an editorial, but hopefully she will later this week. Here's what some of you had to say about the issue:

The answer to your question is that we continue to elect the same people time and time again. IF you look, the leadership of the House and Senate has been relatively the same for many years. They have no incentive to pass a budget because if they don't, they get to come back for a special session and they get paid for it. Until the voters make it clear they are fed up, it will never change. We put up with it so this is what we get.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing up our lazy lawmakers!!!! I to am sick & tired of them not getting things done and having to call a special session. I don't think you would get a "special session" if you ran out of time for the 7 day forecast...I know I don't get a "special session if I don't get my work done, I have to find time on my own to get it done & I certainly don't get paid any extra.
I am pretty sure you will get plenty of email replies on this matter...Thanks again for bringing it up!

Perhaps viewers should check the book "Alabama in the Twentieth Century (Modern South)"Wayne Flynt;
It might be a real eye opener.....
"Evil triumphs when good men say nothing"


Thanks for the emails everyone. I always enjoy reading what you have to say! I am thinking about starting something new for each Friday. I'd call it "Blogger Spotlight" and I would pick a certain blogger to highlight for the week. Anyone interested? If so, email me a picture of you and a little paragraph about you and where you read the blog to rvaughan@wsfa.com

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