Sunday, January 07, 2007

I May Have Found Winter...

Tomorrow will be our 30th day in a row with temperatures at or above average. Many people are wondering when it will get cold... not chilly...COLD. Well, it may be coming soon... Here's a map of the temperatures at about 5,000 feet on Friday. These temperatures help us gauge the temperatures at the surface. Notice, we will be a little warmer than most of the nation....

Things change a few days later... The cold air plunges south and we find ourselves with temperatures BELOW average fort he first time in over 30 days! Don't get excited, I am not talking about snow, I am just talking about colder air! Cold air looks to arrive in about 7 days... Let's see if that forecast pans out!

By the way, it also looks VERY soggy on Friday and Saturday.


1 comment:

Jason H said...

I can't wait !!! Maybe if we get lucky, we will see a little snow and ice with this system !